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Créateurs de TALENTS depuis 1942

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Créateurs de TALENTS depuis 1942
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MBA education

MBA education

ESC Amiens proposes 6 MBA for international students and executives.

  • MBA in Finance
  • MBA in International Trade and Logistics
  • MBA in E-Commerce and Webmarketing
  • MBA Manager du Développement Commerciale d’Entreprise
  • MBA Manager de la Communication et du Marketing Digital
  • MBA Ressources Humaines 

This innovative education is accessible at any time, from anywhere in the world!

A special platform has been designed for a great learning experience coupled with live conferences, and personalised chats!

All MBA propose 15 to 18 modules which present master classes, automatic exams, and live conferences and chats with the modules’ speakers!
English language proposed.

MBA experience

Easy-to-use, at any time, from anywhere in the world!

1. I am notified of the availability of a module
2. I connect myself to the platform with my login and password
3. I follow the master class as long as I want, as many times as I want
4. I am notified of the compulsory live conferences related to the module
5. I am notified of the exam for the related module
6. I move on to the next modules

The phase lasts between 5 to 6 months, and is followed by the 6 months’ internship or professional experience phase, altogether with the dissertation procedure.

Who can apply?

  • Students who have just graduated from a university Bachelor or from a Master degree
  • Students who are currently finishing a university Bachelor degree or a Master degree, and who wish to follow a double cursus
  • Professionals and executives who have previously completed 2 years of graduate studies + 3 years of professional experience, or a Bachelor or a Master degree

No age limit.

Who do I get in touch with to apply and sit for the entry test?

Mrs Chen is at your service at : xiao-feng.chen@esc-amiens.com


The process is the following:

1. I request the application form
2. I fill in the application
3. ESC Amiens studies the application form and gives a GO / NO GO
4. If GO, an entry test date is proposed
5. The entry test lasts 45 minutes
6. If GO, the applicant may register suing the registration file
7. The applicant awaits for the completion of a group to start his / her education experience!

How do I graduate?

ESC Amiens MBA graduation

  • I validate all the modules with a minimum score of 50%,
  • I validate a 6 months internship of job experience related to the MBA topic,
  • I validate the internship report with a minimum score of 50%,
  • I validate the MBA dissertation with a minimum score of 50% (1.preparation phase with Supervisor advice 2.writing phase with Supervisor advice 3.correction 4.Oral with jury)


Xiao Feng CHEN

03 22 82 23 44

Je me fais rappeler
JE ME FAIS RAPPELER - École Supérieure de Commerce d'Amiens